Tuesday 31 August 2004

Haven't been online for so long, many things to tidy up...

There's something wrong with Singaporeans and the MRT rail. They seem to have a strong attraction for each other. Maybe before the train arrives at the station, the rail will produce an extra strong gravitational field that exerts a great force on anyone near it and suck him down. 2 people fell into the tracks in 1 day. 3 in the past month. Great attractive force eh?

Some other ridiculous things I've heard in the news.. JB's giving a 50% discount on traffic tickets, as in fines, to encourage people to pay up. That's something like I'll sell you my goods for 50% the original price, you don't want? Don't leave, how about 40%? Who's going to pay fines in the future? Just wait until the market price drops lah, wait for the great Malaysian sale.

I've been screwing up everything lately, my practs, my tests and probably the demo this saturday too. Darn. Somehow I'm not looking forward to the demo, kind of wish I'd never agreed to it, but I know I'll regret if I don't go.

Physics prac, finally found out what's wrong with my L, I connected the switch and galvo in the opp direction, so couldn't get a reading when the switch was open. Stupid me, can't even follow a circuit diagram, if it was a SPA, I would have failed. Chem prac, at the last second, suddenly I was enlightened and realised that the green thing was actually blue ppt in yellow solution. Too late to change though. Anyway still can't figure out why I had this brown ppt thing when I first added alkali, wonder what it is. And still don't understand why Cu(II) can co-exist with CrO4(VII), don't they form a brown ppt?

Had a Physics prac discussion with my mum the other day in Chinese and I felt seriously verbally handicapped. I couldn't find the words for basic things like "plot a graph", "a set of data" and so on. But I could pretty much figure out what 电压 and 电流 are, though it took me quite a while to explain what a galvo is. Apparently it's so ancient that she doesn't remember what it measures.

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