Saturday 6 August 2005

RJ scholarship day.. Quite a number of J1s turned up, I know cos many of them came to say hi to Ms Zhang. I never went for any scholarship/ uni talks in J1.. hee.. J1s always think 2 S papers is so impossible.. J2s always think 4As and merits are so impossible. Come on people, look at your school's A levels statistics, there's a really high chance of getting it. And like all the A* scholars are saying, it's not that difficult to get the scholarship after u make the results.. but then that's the view of pple who have successfully made it through. I'm sure other scholars from other boards might say the same thing, and I won't think so, cos so many of them rejected me.. At the end of the day, it's really get the scholarship which offers u the job that you're interested in. Talked to this guy from junior class, he's really xiao1 xi4 ling2 tong1. He knows exactly who got the scholarship from my class. Wow. I didn't get his name.
OK, some quotes. Intepret it in any way you like.
'“If people have brains, I’ll borrow them,” declares Philip Yeo, who chairs A*STAR, the country’s main science funding agency.' ~ NATURE|Vol 436|4 August 2005
"Don't get stuck in a desk, uniform, classroom job." ~ scholarship talk today

I love my job. No surprise there but I'm loving it more every week. So glad I took it up and so glad that they haven't fired me yet. The kids are so adorable. I can see why SH wants to kiss and hug them all. Singapore's national education is not bad at all. All the kindergarten kids know that the flag is red and white with stars and a CRESCENT moon. They actually know what a crescent is. I learnt that word when I was in P3 or so. And this girl started singing "One people, one nation, one singapore" in the middle of class. So cute. I'm so amused.. Haha.. They wanted to do some hawaiian dance, but I'm too lousy to give them some hawaiian music.. Going to miss them, miss the girls, miss the music, miss SH, miss the songs.. Good thing is that if I ever hear these music again, I'll remember them, the way I can remember my moves now. Yeah right, I can't remember any of the Grade 4 music..

Was playing a rather sad piece. It's still in a major key. I got so sad, I wanted to stop. Mainly because I'm leaving.. in jialing's words "a bit more than 4 weeks".. The class was talking about going to watch a dance on 1st Sep, and I was thinking, i will be on the other side of the planet on 2nd Sep. Well, if you break it down like, go SF first, stay at someone's house, tour around, then go SD, go for orientation, get everything settled, go for classes, make friends, have fun, it doesn't sound that scary.. But if I say, I'm leaving this country, leaving my family, my friends, for an entire year, well, I'm terrified. To the juniors, this is what it feels like if you're going overseas.. Terrified.. Yes it helps to have a scholarship, to have money (hopefully soon), to have seniors, to have a buddy, to have care officers, to have someone to go together with but it's still terrifying.

There are adverts in Parkway toilets. There are adverts for adverts in Parkway toilets. Something like "cheap but effective adverts.. one to one something.." can't remember what lah, go read the adverts urself. So Singapore Restroom association is more receptive to suggestions than NLB eh? We should send our airport proposal to NLB and CAAS again. Oh, there was an ad about some constipation medicine thing in that toilet. :X

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