Sunday 10 September 2006

Lifting from a friend's blog..

The Diffusion Theory
Came up by a friend trying to get us to do something useful with our time.. amazed at the amount of bs.. Check it out.

Click the graph to get to the original post and how the figures were generated. In short, start to work as early as possible to earn the most money.

But is money the most important thing? As have been said a million and one times, money is not the most important thing in life, but you can't live without money. Or if I were to quote someone whom I'm quoting a bit too often, "when you get to my age, you'll see the importance of money, (and recognition, for that matter)". Whatever happened to happiness, satisfaction? Are money and recognition all there is to happiness in this field? But well, I guess the people I'm quoting from are not lacking in the other aspects leading to happiness..

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