Tuesday 13 July 2004

UIUC talk

learnt quite a few things abt US universities, cleared some of the flurry fuzzy misconceptions I had.. interesting trip home, talking about universities.. just wish I have a better idea of what I want to study and do in the future. Shall go for more of these talks, considering ponning pe next week to go for 1 of those talks..

for some reason or another, I can't stand lectures nowadays, they feel sooo longgg, almost never-ending. After about 50min of lecture, I'll be so restless and start looking at my watch every 5 min, so I'll have to look at my watch 5-6 times every lecture, even during post-mortem. This is such a lousy word, like someone died and doing autopsy on him. eew.

talking about eew, that milo + yoghurt thing during zhong ji mi ma was really eew, although it tasted quite normal, and I would know cause I kept losing.. Christine too good liao.

oh yeah, wish mr khoo will stop calling me during GP. Very irritating when half the time my brain don't function in tutorials. And I just had this feeling that he's going to call me today, and he did. And I gave a really rude answer. oops. Glad it's video tomorrow.

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