Sunday 14 March 2004

My clique's changing. Rather obviously. I think Jialing can tell too. Started before the trip, now it's worse. Seems like a reenactment of the last band trip to Australia. She's becoming just a room-mate.. Think when 2 people know each other too well, they start to become more distant.. Make sense?

Wish Christine and friends will just stop it, especially in front of/ around him. He's going to think that I crush him or something and already half of the batch thinks something is going on. And if they don't stop it, I might start believing them and think that i'm some pet and I'll start taking advantage of this knowledge.. not good at all.

Nearly slammed down the phone just now when Mummy called, thought it was the morning call. Haha, she's so smart, prob the only parent who call hotel, except for maybe Jacinth's dad, who's calling Paul Khoo to clarify matters. Anyway, poor Jacinth, luggage still not received. Quite uncomfortable to keep borrowing stuff from everyone.

Won the competition. Haha. In this kind of 7 bands prestigious international band competition when all 7 bands are so different, with accordian bands, a YO, a brass band, a symphonic band (that's us), and marching bands. And only 2 of the bands are not Irish bands, JFK high sch military band with their 20 saxes all coming in at diff times, and us. Don't even know how they judge. Wonder why we win. Think cos we're the only band which followed all the instructions. So Singaporean. 10mins set-up & packing, 10 min performance time. We went on stage, put down instrument and started arranging chairs and stands. So funny. Other bands just hire a few people to arrange for them, taking don't know how long. Didn't think we played too well. Wasn't the best performance ever. We've had better rehersals. I was out of tune and my vol control was very lousy.

Anyway, Ennis Brass Band is really good. The defending champion which we beat. They were so together. The pieces were technically demanding and yet they performed it so well, well-balanced, touguing together, starting, ending together. Very nice sound. Just a bit too loud. Don't understand why they didn't win. BTW, we got this plastic plague that is brown and round as the prize. haha.

Ireland in general:
Large area, sparse population, everyone has a nice little cosy house which is similar to the next one but unique in its own way. Great security, felt very safe, the farms used piles of rocks as boundaries, not even a fence needed. Just remove some rocks and you get a gate. Haha.

There are some really important families in Ireland, like the O'Brians in Limerick, built castles and monuments and so on.. and of course Guinness family in Dublin.

Irish people are very good looking. Light-coloured hair, dark eyes (blue/green), fair complexion, pink cheeks. Beautiful and the children look like angels. =)

Irish food. Wonder what is Irish food, kept going to this Copper and Spice restaurant that serves pseudo-Indian food. Don't know what kind of food they serve, got tom-yam, crackers and rice and so on.. then they play this kind of techno indian music that has a bass guitar playing 3-5 notes repeatedly.. too techno for me. Anyway, every meal eat at a strange restaurant with not so Asian, but not very Western food. Wonder what Irish really eat.

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