Sunday 14 March 2004

Went Dublin, visited Trinity College. Beautiful convenient place, in the heart of Dublin. Though I still don't understand what is the book of Kells.
Then went for a 5 shops shopping, where the boundaries don't include any useful shops at all. so crossed boundaries knowingly/ unknowingly and was late and was caught by Mr Khoo. Scolded/ demanded explanations from us in the middle of the street while other J1s walked around us, past us, late also..

Well he had a pt, if we don't heed his instructions, howis he going to trust us? How can he let us go shopping again? But I feel he's a bit 钻牛角尖, rebutting everything we said. Yes I was guilty, and yes, there wasn't any way which we could win the argument, even if Jinxun was doing all the talking, but what can we do? What did he want us to do? He should just let us go back to the bus asap, so that there's less damage done. Anyway, his whatever helped. I'm super-conscious about time now. and yup, I did feel guilty. Jinxun said I looked super AP to him, but I didn't mean it, all I did was stop smiling, cos I didn't think it's the right occasion to smile, do i look AP when i don't smile??

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