Yesterday was the last day. Sad. Mr Tan was saying so would u like to play one last piece as a farewell piece. I was horrified. No no no, i don't want a farewell piece. I don't want to say byebye to the kids. OKok they're not kids, just people younger than me.. I'll miss them. Hope they'll miss me. Hope I've inspired some people to play more.
I'll miss..
XM and Pris and the aircon remote.. and their constant chattering and wowing over everybody.
Felicia and her phantom
Renee the princess's lightning learning speed
Shane's piano! So pro! (I can't do any theory when either Shane or Renee plays.. hee, shows how much I do every week)
Mr Tan playing with me
and the RI guys.. I don't even know got how many and Margaret's smile. hee.
1 week to reply. 2 weeks to theory exam. 3 weeks to the end of my job. 4 weeks to my supposed concert which is still looking for a venue. No plans beyond 4 weeks.
Suddenly there's so much problem over the offer. I insist that my dad be my surety. but I guess it's not up to me to insist..
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