Sunday 6 November 2005

Been busy.. logged into blogger today and woa, updates on all my active blogs.. So after I've added my entry on all the other blogs, I forgot what I wanted to blog here.. Anyway change of tone.

I will not get upset/ agitated when people talk badly of things/ people/ issues I am in support of.
I will give my opinion and my reasoning.

Studying efficiency is low. Been studying psychology the whole day. Coca-cola is made from coca leaves, which is where cocaine is extracted from. At least this was true before 1900s.. And it was manufactured as a cough syrup and alternative to alcohol. Well, my mom always tells me to drink Coke when I have a cough..

Went for a new music concert in school. Really really new music. Music without form, structure, time.. Music played by making all sorts of sounds from the instrument, conventional sounds and other kinds of tones, like singing while playing flute. I never knew so many kinds of sounds can be produced by the double bass. And they were good cos in all these sound-making, the sounds didn't sound like noise. There was a guided improvisation. What it means is that the conductor determines who does what kind of improvisation on the spot, so the conductor cues someone, and the someone plays something which sounds like it might fit the general atmosphere the conductor's trying to create. How exactly it works I'm not sure.. And it's new music, so there's no time, meaning probably no barlines, just notes going on and on and on.. Quite cool. I wonder what happens in rehearsals, will the conductor talk? and say "make some noise now"?

Loads of small irritating admin stuff junked up in my head.. eager to get them out.. My bills are as usual screwed, my nyc trip has no accomodation, my tix are amazingly expensive, i have no plans for other hols coming up or when my parents come, I still have to be a labrat for 2 more hrs and i'm trying to find time to fit them in, and my 2nd round of midterms are coming up.. Whatever, hopefully the boat will straighten up..

Being ultra-AS lately.. Went ASing in that concert on thur, AS-ed with my aunt on fri, AS-ed around clics and my dorm yesterday, ultimate today.. went to clics (oh that's the library btw) when my whole suite was still sleeping and stayed till 4.30pm.. haha.. then i'm going out for dinner now.. basically doing nothing with my suitemates.. oops. But seriously I can't study with people keep coming into my room.. Back to the point of my inefficiency.

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